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Studio Rental 

Our Adamah Ceramic Studio and Mixed-Media (M&M) Studio are available for rent - either for your own personal use, group use or for one of our instructors to lead your group in a project. Please see the pricing breakout below and submit a form to request to rent one of our studios. You will be contacted within 2-work days to confirm details and studio availability.


Adamah Ceramics Studio

$100 up to 4 hours


$200 up to 8 hours


Mixed-Media (M&M) Studio

$80 up to 4 hours


$160 up to 8 hours

Private Instructor-Led Group Projects


General Art Project


*$200 minimum charge for groups with less than 10 participants

Hand-Building Project

Clay Hand-building Project


*$250 minimum charge for groups with less than 10 participants


Wheel-Throwing Project


*$300 minimum charge for groups with less than 10 participants

Get a Quote

Submit your studio request below! 

Thanks for submitting your request, you can expect a response within 3 working days.

Retreat Pricing

Adamah’s Retreat Center is lovingly referred to as “The Hilton of Bethel Horizons.”  This open and modern center features eighteen motel-style guest rooms. Eight larger rooms have two full beds, five smaller rooms with one full bed, and five smaller rooms with two twin beds. All rooms have private in-room baths.

The space boasts a large open meeting and dining room with huge picture windows with breathtaking views of Wisconsin’s beautiful Driftless Area. A large outdoor patio with furniture and seating is also available to experience the outdoors at any time of the year.

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